#ProudToBeMe 2023
To celebrate Disability Pride Month we passed the mic to our candidates and asked them to answer why they’re #ProudToBeMe. Our young people then submitted a selection of photos and quotes to appear on our social media throughout July. Read on to see what they had to say…
First up is Lara, a Day Service candidate and true coffee connoisseur. She sent us this photo of her at our roastery where she roasts, packs and labels our delicious coffee. She says:
I’m really proud of dealing with changes and thinking about my future and things happening. Team Domenica makes me less scared and calms me down.

“I am proud of performing a dance at the Dome with my friend Holly in March”
Lillie is one busy bee – on top of enrichment activities, work experience, classroom learning and café training, she’s also a passionate dancer. Amazing stuff Lillie!
“I’m proud of my Nam Yang!”
When George first started at NamYang, he was reluctant to get involved with martial arts. However, as time’s gone on, he’s thrown himself into the activity and mastered lots of awesome kickboxing moves.
“I’m really proud of being able to play the tuba. I really enjoy it!”
Candidate Ronnie is a man of many talents. One of which is his passion for music and the tuba. The team at our training centre were recently lucky enough to hear him in action- he was brilliant!
“I’m proud of what a kind friend I am. I’m always helping my friends like Jake.”
Alexandra is a true superstar. She’s absolutely flourished since joining Team Domenica and always brings a smile to the faces of the people around her.
First year candidate and first-class creative, Ronnie, has so much to be proud of! He’s a great friend, a hard worker and great lyricist. When asked what he’s proud of, he said…
“I am proud to be out there living my best life, making music, making films and making friends.”
Rockstar Charlie is brings so much to Team Domenica. He says: “I’m proud to be alive. I’m proud of staying strong through tough times. I’m proud of myself.”
To listen to Charlie’s music for yourself click the video:
THANK YOU to all the candidates who contributed to #ProudToBeMe 2023.