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Baroness Rosa Monckton MBE

Founder & Chairman

Rosa is a British businesswoman and charity campaigner. Chief Executive of Tiffany’s in London from opening in 1986, Chief Executive of Asprey & Gerrard in 2000, then becoming non-executive chairman in 2002. Rosa is now a non-executive director of Aurum, which is the holding company for Goldsmith, Mappin & Webb and Watches of Switzerland.

Rosa has been awarded with an MBE for all her charitable work for young people with learning disabilities over the years. She has been involved with several charities including Together for Short Lives, The Acorns Children’s Hospice, Downside UP, The Down’s Syndrome Educational Trust, KIDS (charity) and Bulgarian Abandoned Children’s Trust. In 2024 she became a member of the House of Lords.

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Dive in and make a difference at Great Lengths 2024!

Are you looking for a way to challenge yourself and support young people with learning disabilities? With distances from 50m – 5km, and the opportunity to swim as an individual or team, why not go to Great Lengths this September?