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Yearly Archives: 2025

A photo of two people celebrating by the swimming pool at Great Lengths 2024
After two incredible years, over £40,000 raised, and hundreds of meters swam, we are sadly saying goodbye to our Great Lengths swim challenge.
A man stands in Bilbao wearing a Team Domenica T-shirt. He is smiling from ear to ear after cycling the length of Spain in aid of Team Domenica.
A father has successfully cycled over 1,000 miles, from Tarifa to Bilboa, raising over £3,000 for Team Domenica. This is his story.

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Dive in and make a difference at Great Lengths 2024!

Are you looking for a way to challenge yourself and support young people with learning disabilities? With distances from 50m – 5km, and the opportunity to swim as an individual or team, why not go to Great Lengths this September?